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 Myspace has a new Online Now Graphic: January 12 , 2009 Updated Febuary 3, 2009

It now has green text next to a small picture of the online now face. I guess it loads faster. There is now a section in the profile generator where you can change the color and style of this text. It is on the bottom of the Profile Text section.

 Myspace Profile Generator 3.0 beta is here: December 10, 2008

It doesn't have many of the large numbers of features I have planned to add, but you now have the generator shell and the new optimized code that it creates. It should run faster now, as the code is much more organized, and use less memory during the generation process.

As I get this thing updated and the rest of the features working, I will post more news messages!

  Myspace Profile 2.0: November 10, 2008

Myspace has just launched a new profile layout system 2.0. You can still customize it the way you do with my profile generator, and all the other profile generators out there, but i already noticed a few major issues:

  • All current CSS code will be removed, and will litter your profile with "..".
  • EDITOR DOESN'T WORK ON IE6! CSO even has IE6 hacks so the profile generator could work.
  • The way to edit your profile is far more complicated.
  • Many old themes and layouts, and especially contact tables, are toast.

When i get my new profile generator version out, i will quickly add version 3.1, to accommodate 2.0. Hopefully, many codes will continue to work with 2.0, even though they are not designed for it. I've got a list of classes for 1.0 sitting on my desk, ready to be put in to my generator, but some script problems are keeping the generator from woking. When my contact table editor is released, i will hopefully have some tables ready for 2.0. But most will be for 1.0. If you don't want to spend hours redesigning your profile, then don't upgrade yet. Wait until all the bug fixes are in.

  Library of All Site Graphics and cursors added: September 21, 2008

There are a lot of cursors and images on my site that either came from a stylesheet in the Code section, or a bunch of stuff I have created just because I wanted to, all in my new Library, in the Myspace Toolbox

  Forums and Survey added: September 17, 2008

For the convenience of users of my site, i have a survey for an easy way to tell me how to modify this site. I also have a help forum, for people to post info about Myspace, and answer any questions others may have, and even ask questions. And, just for fun, a regular forum which anyone can chat publicly about ANYTHING - please keep it clean. All of these features are accessible through my Help center.

  New Profile Generator taking longer than expected: August 20, 2008

My new and more efficcent design for my Myspace Profile Generator is taking me more time than i originally predicted because of some major issues with the scripts, which i haven't resolved yet. Hopefully, it will be less than a month before i publish it, or a beta.

  Myspace Profiles Private Again!: August 19, 2008

Myspace has reset all Myspace profiles for persons under 18 years of age to Private (viewable by friends only). If you do not want your profile private, you need to login, and it should pop-up on your home page. If it does not, you need to set it in your Account Options to Public, or Under 18 only.

  New Myspace Navigation Bar: June 26, 2008
Updated August 20, 2008

Myspace has completley redesigned their navigation bar and splash page layout. Due to that, old navigation bar code will stop working. And for all of the amateur coders, if you tried coding a color change to the navbar yourself, it won't work unless you add "!important" after all your properties. It will take me a couple of weeks, or possibly months, but i will also redesign the profile generator page, and insert a whole bunch of new features, and some places, add more stable code. As a future project, i will also add a seperate page allowing you to re-import code into the profile generator, and automatically update your code, should more stable solutions become avaliable, or in case code stops working, due to a profile template change. If you read this far, thank you for your time!

  New Home page layout on June 1, 2008 (not verified)

I have implemented a new layout for the homepage of ChaseSpaceOnline. Now, in order to keep this site the way YOU like it, please email me with your feedback. I will really appreciate it.

Got any ideas, news, interesting information, needs, or anything you want to see added to my site, please feel free to email


For support information, or additional help or application problems, email

To report broken links or navigational problems, or script errors, email

You may copy, and use, anything created by my generators on this site.You may not copy portions or entire scripts found on this site for other advertisement or promotional use. However, you can use my scripts on other, non-advertising websites, as long as a link is created below the content or on the bottom of the page linking to this site, and the site does not contain any advertisements of any type. I would like other people to use my generators too. Use of content created or copied using a "Copy" button or in a textarea does not need any direct links added manually if it does not come with one. Links that are included in code that you copy must be posted, however, if you don't like the location, you can move it to another portion of the page. Most of my links will be in comment form, thus, invisible to the user. The purpose of those links is for me to survey generator usage.

These terms of use may change at any time, without notice, and on posting, shall immediately take effect.

If you want content removed from this site, Email Me with your complaint and reasons and it will be removed as soon as the site is edited again.

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