is the place to design your profile and use backgrounds, stylesheets, images, cartoons, etc. However, I, personally, cannot possibly come up with every image in the world! This is another way you can keep things Your Way!

So, If you have a personally-created, non-copyrighted image, cartoon, picture (with no people in it), a stylesheet, or any other graphic that you would like to add to my web site for public use, just hit Browse below and select the picture, enter your name and email address, then hit Upload. The image may be avaliable as soon as you upload it.

Due to the release of the uploader and the features avaliable at this time, images uploaded won't be avaliable until I review them. Please provide a valid email address, so when the User Accounts feature is added, you can claim ownership of anything you have uploaded.

Your name: Email Address:

This feature is not yet avaliable. Sorry for the inconveinence.
Please check back often for the release of this new feature!

Please Note: All images must be either personally-created, or created under your control, without a copyright. Creative Commons Licenses are OK, as long as you are the licensor, or have contributed to it in a significant way, and have permission to publish it. Images with captions in the corner are only allowed if the image or caption is not obviously for advertising purposes. Also, you must provide a valid name and e-mail address in case I need to contact you regarding licenses. If the image is clearly yours, then I won't contact you, unless I recieve a question from a copyright owner. IP Addresses and Browser User-Agent strings will be logged. This form will not submit if the information provided by either you or your browser, or any privacy software you may have installed, is not valid.

Sorry, but this is legal stuff that I must abide by, because people these days are very sue-happy!

I reserve the right to remove any image that is believed to violate the above terms. Also, images may only be completley removed 7 (seven) days after they are uploaded at your request. After seven days, you must provide valid documentation to request complete removal from the site.

You may request image linking to be discontinued at any time by contacting my support email address, or by using my feedback forms. However, the image will not be removed from the URL that it is posted on. It will only be made unavaliable from all pages that provide the links. All images may be avaliable as soon as they are uploaded.


©Copyright 2007-2012 Unless Otherwise Stated, All Rights Reserved.