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You are here: Program Source Code Contract

In order to use my source code, you must agree to these Terms of Use.
If you do not agree to these terms, you must leave this page, or click the "I Do Not Agree" button at the bottom.

Terms of Use for the ChaseSpace Program Source Code:

   To use "The Code" provided, you agree to acknowledge that the code is copyrighted, and cannot be used on any other website except this site, ChaseSpaceOnline.com. The code also cannot be recompiled and the resulting program be used on any other website. The reasons I am supplying this code is only for the following reasons:

  1. To be used for educational reasons
  2. To be used for research purposes
  3. To aid in the development of other programs.

The code may not be used in the following manners:

  1. Copied by the page for use in other programs.
  2. Used in any way for earning revenue, or creating profitable programs.
  3. Redistributed, except in fragments by teachers for the purpose of teaching classes.
  4. Sold in any way.
  5. Used in any was that me or any other author would disapprove of.
  6. Building computer viruses.

Failure to abide with these terms will result in legal action, and any misuse of this copyrighted code will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Do you agree to the terms of this contract?