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When it comes to getting custom Myspace profiles, objects for your Facebook profile, or just want to tweet some funny or messed up image, is the place to be!

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Site Build Survey This tool should give me the input I need to build this site more effectivley. Please give me your input, so I can focus on what you want most!
Fully functional, self & auto updating Myspace profile generator. (Going Away!) likes creations and new content, so if you have an cartoon or funny image (so far) that you want to contribute, upload it here.
Library of content or graphics avaliable on this site, either from a stylesheet, or standalone content
Cartoons, Funny Images, Humorous Signs, Stupid commonplace objects, modified images.
Non-Myspace-specific Code Generators, Pre-created Myspace Stylesheets.
Bug correction tools, Myspace Recovery Tools, Fun Myspace Things  (Going Away!)
Client-Side Self-Updating code generators
Feedback form for webmaster & support contact
Computer programs created by me, for fun, or for other useful tasks
Links to useful software downloads, or other funny image resources
Stories and background info about
CSO Help & Support Center for Generator & Myspace Help info
Share on Facebook Let your Facebook friends know about!

Coming Soon
CSO Wiki
Wanna share ideas, things you discovered, or new fun things to do (legal or not), this will be a place to publish such ideas!
 CSO Galleries
Image libraries of non-CSO admin created content. Share it here and get stuff others have shared.
CSO Zone
Social Networking your way. Pretty far out in the future but with ideas submitted by you, it will become truly yours!

CSO News:

CSO: Server updates happening soon, and I'm going to get with it again! July 13 , 2012

I will gain the use of a new scripting platform, ASP .NET, and PHP in the next couple of weeks. There will be some slight downtime, however, but it shouldn't really afffect many people or be very noticable. Also, this site again needs a serious update, and with some new tools I have at my disposal, I can start the development of the new feature, CSO Zone!

Many of the Myspace tools will be taken down in the next few days, but the funny images, cartoons, and other media will get some new additions. Remember, this stuff was created by the CSO Administrator, and not anyone else, so if you would like to submit something, a new uploader should allow it to be added soon, and it will be added to a seperate user upload page. Galleries will be brought online pretty soon as well, and that should allow more uploads of images and creative content to be made possible, as well as better distribution of such content. This site will NOT become another Youtube or Photobucket however; it will be its own great thing! So get ready.

Also, since Myspace is no longer used by all but a few people, I will be removing many of the tools that work only on that site. HTML creator tools will remain so small website & blog owners can still use them, however, all Myspace speciffic tools will be removed soon. Since I am removing them from service, I will release their raw source code (without any secret server file includes) in a zip file. Click here to download it.

  CSO: Major Update, It was needed!: Sep 20 , 2010

This site was not updated in just under a year, because college, jobs, all the stuff you do as you get older, and I didn't get a chance to perform any updates. However, I finally got around to giving this thing a big makeover and compatibility update. Although PcWorld Magazine reports that Firefox and other non-IE browsers are not any safer than Internet Explorer, many people still love Firefox. So I changed my layout methods to use stuff thats more compatiable, although it might impact load times a little, due to more images. So if you still use Firefox, your in luck!

My homepage has a new layout, and I have yet to update many of my links, implement Facebook Connect for easy sharing of content, and build a profile generator for the new Mspace profile layout (3.0). However, many users of Myspace are jumping ship due to the complete takeover and messup, courtesy of Fox interactive, and maybe in a while, I will be able to launch a social networking site of my own. I already have a few ideas for the name of the site, but you can always email my admin link at the bottom of the page for suggestions. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Also, if you wish to upload original content to be shared with the world via this site, either email the content to me, or use the upload link to the left. I am going to launch Galleries soon, when people start submitting lots of work to this site. Galleries will have work submitted by the same user in each gallery, so different talents and styles can be shared seperatley, and people can rate your work, and give overall scores for individual artists. To get on board, just email me!

  CSO: Not so young anymore: Oct 17 , 2009

The reason why I am giving everyone a chance to circumvent so-called safety features on MySpace instead of endorsing them is because I, Chase, the owner and administrator of this website, is frusturated with them myself! I had to put up with this crap when I was a little younger too, and it wasn't as bad as it is now! I am still 17, turning 18 in a week, and i totally hate this stuff, and intend to make the experience for other myspace users better by providing tools for them to use to "beat the system." wtf, why don't i just start a site LIKE myspace, less the crap. I've felt like it!

  Myspace has too many stupid features: Oct 17 , 2009

I have inspected the site carefully, and after getting pissed off with a forced update of the home page, i read about all of the other crap they did. They are censoring the young people by forcing them to have private profiles. They are locking ages so people can't correct them, or circumvent the stupid features. Because of this, I am planning and developing a new array of hack tools, MySpace bug workaround tools, convienence tools; all to be placed in the Myspace Toolbox, and help articles to help correct common issues with the site in the Help section under Myspace Help. Also, hopefully, maybe I can create a profile revealer soon, that will allow you to view profiles that users elect to have viewable on this site. That will be a lot of work, however!

  Cartoons Page Updated: April 8 , 2009

Its been a while, but the cartoons page now auto-updates whenever I add any new cartoons to my image library. My graphic library is next.

  CSO Upgrades & Changes: Feburary 3, 2009 Updated Febuary 10, 2009

I have cancelled the upgrade plans for this site, as I have just discovered that the features I need to add can be done easier with ASP support. Features to come soon include: Image Uploader, Better Feedback Forms, and Built in feedback forms.

I have recently launched the first new feedback form. I hope to have more functionality added soon, but it keeps my site layout consistent. The form also uses loose-validation, so you can omit your name or email, have the form prompt you when you click the submit button, and when you click OK on the prompt(s), it will let you continue. Once I put up the final version of the current myspace profile generator, it will have a built in feedback form at the bottom, ready to go.

Soon, I have more new features: Image Uploader/Contributor, and CSO Wiki (may take a while...)

Got any ideas, news, interesting information, needs, or anything you want to see added to my site, please feel free to email

For support information, or additional help or application problems, email

To report broken links or navigational problems, or script errors, email

Legal Notice:

You may copy, and use, anything created by my generators on this site.You may not copy portions or entire scripts found on this site for other advertisement or promotional use. However, you can use my scripts on other, non-advertising websites, as long as a link is created below the content or on the bottom of the page linking to this site, and the site does not contain any advertisements of any type. I would like other people to use my generators too. Use of content created or copied using a "Copy" button or in a textarea does not need any direct links added manually if it does not come with one. Links that are included in code that you copy must be posted, however, if you don't like the location, you can move it to another portion of the page. Most of my links will be in comment form, thus, invisible to the user. The purpose of those links is for me to survey generator usage. These terms of use may change at any time, without notice, and on posting, shall immediately take effect. If you want content removed from this site, Email Me with your complaint and reasons and it will be removed as soon as possible.

©Copyright 2007-2012 Unless Otherwise Stated, All Rights Reserved.